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Saturday, May 8, 2010
@ 9:42 PM
haiz. break up with girlfey. what she wants i don't get it. Where is the promises she gaved me?i hope she'll be back when i discharged. i back home for today. don't know when il be back home again. lazy to update. i miss her. WAN & IRAH. haizzz..

Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Finally Attached! @ 11:02 AM
Aku & Dia


Life sometimes can be bad,but when someone came into your life. Onlyy god knows how people

feel. What happen to me?!...

Hahas. BabyIrah came into my life. She's been Missing since i broke of with Sutinah. Tried to

contact her but the love feeling towards Sutinah still there. But now....She's Back again in my life.

Although we are not attached that point of time. I still remember our sweet moments together .

HEY!. im attached! hahas. Grats. psssssttts... Il buy u anything,il buy u any ring=) And i hope

we'll never be apart. i feel like BABY BABY OHHH LIKE BABY NOO LIKE BABY BABY...I


Last time im in pieces. U FIX me. So sweet of you!

U'll always be mine. Meeting baby today. Yishun!!!far sey. But for Baby kannn...South Florida

pun boley. hehs=)_._

She's My type.

I aint a good guy.


Masih Suci dan Segar. =) hehehehe.

Im coming for You!oNE less Lonely Girl! il show u what u were. ! LOVE U!

My tattoo. Fake!


I love u too!

Anyone wanna treat me thisss?! please?..Birthday present?please. hahha!

Never Think about Hostel life anymore. Standby.......boi.........

Hope u'll wait if anything happen.



Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Haiz. Where's Home? @ 8:02 AM
Being away from home is not easy. Life suxs. Miss Mum & Dad so much. The story begins like this.
I was caught doing a crime,should not say what crime,at a workplace at Queenstown. The Job was send by Hostel. After they caught me,they terminated me from the job and asked me to go back hostel. I was dumbfounded and don't know where to go. So i Absconded. Haiz. If i were to go back hostel,they would charge me as a new crime. I don't know what to say to Mum. I went back home packed my things then leave. Mum cried asking me not to go out from the house "I Miss You Son"....."This what You repay me after i grow you up from small?"....i jus cried and leave home. There no place sweet as home,I really miss home and miss everything bout mum. I have no money and how the hell am i suppose to eat?!...haizzzzz...

Staying at friend place also can't be long. What do their parents will say later?
Im jus praying for the best.
If ANYBODY knows my mum,please send my regards to her. Please.=(
I can't face mum anymore.
Im useless son.
Im nothing.
There no point living earth anymore,maybe go back MARS?..hhahahaha!
I don't want to see my mum crying anymore.

Thats all.
I love mum?..
yes i do.

Take care.

_Still Loving You_

Still love u la bodo~

Saturday, January 2, 2010
@ 7:36 PM

Happy 2010!...
Nothing to spit. No mood since 31st. Had fun with Them..*FUN* *FUN* *FUN*
They are like my brother and sister.

-Abg mamat
-Sis Adeq
-Sis Trie
-Adeq Apan
-Adeq Mamok.

Without them,Il be lost in world call "....." HAHAHA!
The 'Tey-kong"(abg mamat) Haiyooh...Siao sia. nak kite mabok je.
Drank Chivas On Countdown. Drank Absolute yesterday.
Met Botak...He look scary sia. but when he start going high...he's Like MACHINE GUN.Jk mannn.
Without trie,il never know those people. Dulu hal,skg friends..=)
K luh. thats all for today.=)

Sunday, December 6, 2009
Its been great. Brothers. @ 3:15 AM
Im at malaysia right now. Life has been wonderful. No thougts to be worried about.
She Left me. (haha,how many time should i tell!)
Bile aku ngn Bro2,sometimes it feels right but sometimes not.
Family da okay with me since i got arrested past few days.


Nana da tkder. Da ader kawan baru. Ridhwan harap Nana tk lupe daratan,il be there when u problems comes. Like last time u and Faza(yg faza fight ngn sape tah)Yang on that day juga kite bertemu alek. Memang i tk sanggup kehilangan u,tapi da takdir(Pasrah siol)hahas!Kalau u pikir ini terbaik. Yoouurrr prooobleem..=)Left Right Left Right,Muaaks. eh?mane i nye?Muaaks,nahh!The vomit smell of your still be remembered by me. haha!Gile!Aku jugak yg mengelap kan muntah2 mu. hahas.Okay la. Krg take care kay.*Sanchi_Sheila*. piyuu piyuu...


I still love you like how i first fall in love with you .
I still care about you like how i care for you in the past times .
And you are still the women that always caught my heart like the first time we met .
Just r
emember this , i still love you to bits and pieces and this will never never never change a single bit .

Yes , i have to agree with it . Everything change . Either to good or bad .
Its yourselves who have to lead it .


Thursday, December 3, 2009
Hope it will be okay. @ 10:22 PM
Haiz. Hope it will be Okay.

Fcuk,it happen already.
2year6strokes of the cane.*SAD*

I hope i can plead for Probation,tagging or something that don't have do do with behind BARS.
Life has Been single nowadays. hahas!
She left me for good.
Im happy for her.
Met sue yesterday.
Da mcm Auntie2 sia. Gave me $10,Tk malu sia WANn!
She's attached,so girls..........*wink*

Okay thats all for today post.

She's got everything I need
And I'ma tell her one time
Give you everything you need down to my last dime

She makes me happy
I know where I'll be
Right by your side
'Cause she is the one


Sunday, November 22, 2009
Mind your own business ! @ 1:04 AM

Orang da tk nak kau. Jgn sebok2 uh. jgn jadi kelepek uh. die srg pe kau nak?EH,anjing. gi carik ppn laen la.
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