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Sunday, December 6, 2009
Its been great. Brothers. @ 3:15 AM
Im at malaysia right now. Life has been wonderful. No thougts to be worried about.
She Left me. (haha,how many time should i tell!)
Bile aku ngn Bro2,sometimes it feels right but sometimes not.
Family da okay with me since i got arrested past few days.


Nana da tkder. Da ader kawan baru. Ridhwan harap Nana tk lupe daratan,il be there when u problems comes. Like last time u and Faza(yg faza fight ngn sape tah)Yang on that day juga kite bertemu alek. Memang i tk sanggup kehilangan u,tapi da takdir(Pasrah siol)hahas!Kalau u pikir ini terbaik. Yoouurrr prooobleem..=)Left Right Left Right,Muaaks. eh?mane i nye?Muaaks,nahh!The vomit smell of your still be remembered by me. haha!Gile!Aku jugak yg mengelap kan muntah2 mu. hahas.Okay la. Krg take care kay.*Sanchi_Sheila*. piyuu piyuu...


I still love you like how i first fall in love with you .
I still care about you like how i care for you in the past times .
And you are still the women that always caught my heart like the first time we met .
Just r
emember this , i still love you to bits and pieces and this will never never never change a single bit .

Yes , i have to agree with it . Everything change . Either to good or bad .
Its yourselves who have to lead it .


Thursday, December 3, 2009
Hope it will be okay. @ 10:22 PM
Haiz. Hope it will be Okay.

Fcuk,it happen already.
2year6strokes of the cane.*SAD*

I hope i can plead for Probation,tagging or something that don't have do do with behind BARS.
Life has Been single nowadays. hahas!
She left me for good.
Im happy for her.
Met sue yesterday.
Da mcm Auntie2 sia. Gave me $10,Tk malu sia WANn!
She's attached,so girls..........*wink*

Okay thats all for today post.

She's got everything I need
And I'ma tell her one time
Give you everything you need down to my last dime

She makes me happy
I know where I'll be
Right by your side
'Cause she is the one

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